Political humour! Also, I drew some ponies.
The idea for this came from a bus journey to a party with a few of the Bronies of Ireland and one of the organisers of UK Pony Con. We thought it’d be funny if Britannia, the UK Ponycon mascot, and Shamrock, the Bronies of Ireland mascot, got drunk together, as we were about to. And then, when Shamrock passed out, Britannia could grab the top of Shamrock’s head and claim it as her own. Because, ya know, politics and ponies are the best mix ever.
So I drew that, more or less. Not particularly well, but anyway. We thought it was funny
I was going to draw the background myself, but got lazy and used one much better instead, by [link]
Also, anyone going to UK Ponycon, we’ll see ya there, because a fair few of us from BoI are going over
Hasbro own My Little Pony. Britannia is the mascot of UK Ponycon, and Shamrock the mascot of Bronies of Ireland.