Started working on this 7 hours ago when I read the Derpibooru post even though it doesn’t look like it. Censorship vs freedom is a topic I’m extremely passionate about. I openly challenge any Derpibooru mods to a debate on the subject. All of you at once if you think it’d help you. I used sarcasm and vulgar language in my art to be funny, but when part of a real debate or discussion I’m quite serious.
As a platform, you are supposed to remain neutral. By taking action against specific topics you have declared that anything else you allow from here on out is Derpibooru staff approved. That means you will be forced to remove anything and everything that others find offensive to remain consistent. Rest assured you will receive multiple demands for action to be taken attached to accusations of sympathizing with “the enemy.” You’ve no doubt seen the hyperbole already.
You should stay out of it and declare you don’t necessarily support anything posted here. The best option is to say you acted hastily, roll back your decision and step away. Declare you’re not a publisher, you’re simply an art platform, so the views presented aren’t necessarily ones you support. If this decision was something “the community” actually supported you wouldn’t need to try to justify it.