Because of the magic-induced growth ponies are suffering from in the events of Friendship Management, it was imperative that the trans-dimensional federation step in to aid Equestria. However they themselves were very busy, and only had a very limited number of people they could put on assignment for the medically troubled country. Something else had to be done.
After a desperate call from Celestia out to Equestria’s countryside and its neighbors for aid, some beings pondered how they would help, and who they would send as champions. But for the Logma Empress of Huoshan, there was no better way she could help than sending her champion. Among all the ungulates that answered the plea, there was none more qualified for defending Equestria’s heroes than Tianhuo, captain of the empress’ royal guard. She arrived at the little town of Ponyville with a small escort, having flown tirelessly for miles in full armor, gleaming red as a testament to her many years in service as the empire’s best and most honorable. Unfortunately, the other Champions were completely lacking compared to her discipline, decorum and skill in the art of combat, so she, noticing a problem she was more than capable of solving, immediately volunteered herself to be the ungulates’ teacher in the art of combat with hoof and magic. She saw great potential in each of them, but she knew they were not Logma, and it would be a challenge to train them. But train them she would, forging them into the whole world’s prime example of non-Equestrian heroes. Her only frustration is with Oleander, a Unicorn scorned by her fellows who in resentment turned to the dark arts to defend Equestria, despite how unwise it was to do so.
I wanted to make this picture as a warm up for drawing my comic. It took all day. Bleh. Anyway I had decided to make her the experienced soldier/teacher for the Ungulates of Them’s Fightin’ Herds, and figured to better convey that she needed a full set of armor befitting of her status. I had thought it would take a bit of work designing something that would fit, but thankfully a drawing by nappyrat made everything work out, and all I needed was a helmet.