I last worked on this in Feb 2019. I was making rapid progress with the figure until I got sidetracked struggling with the background and foreground, which had no planning put into them whatsoever (file was even called dashiecurtain, as I think she was originally stepping through curtains instead of moving through a forest.) There are various unresolved issues that will probably persist, as I can’t remember the exact workflow I was using (think I was re-painting the highlighting from scratch each time I made a change, as something about the pressure curve for painting/erasing in Krita sucks and I can’t seem to fix it), so this is practically an abandoned work.
Edit: Think I remember now—I was probably using lasso to isolate a particular part of the highlight layer for selective erasing, with occasional re-airbrushing. Might have to try messing with it again later.
This is the lossless flat PNG; version at DA is jpg: https://www.deviantart.com/luohanpone/art/Unfinished-Explorer-Dashie-839228200