Wanted to post this a while back, but a close family member died and I had to postpone several projects. As a sequel to my first drawing about November Rain, Auburn Vision and Huckleberry hanging out, I decided to draw everyone’s favorite female background students. My headcanon for Berry Bliss is that she’s a workaholic egghead who’d do whatever it takes to make every assignment she turns it perfect, and for Peppermint Goldylinks, a perky, opportunistic fashionista who is more than willing to help out a friend… especially when it benefits her as well (Like November Rain, based somewhat on their respective gameloft image). I also headcanon Citrine Spark as a stuck-up but well-intentioned jerk with a heart of gold, sort of like how Trixie can be self-aggrandizing but is still a nice pony despite it.
Anyway, here’s Peppermint Goldylinks trying to talk a stressed out and tired Berry Bliss into putting that friendship essay on hold and going to the spa with her and Citrine Spark. Meanwhile, Citrine is using her magic to peek at what Berry’s essay is even about and asking why it’s 50 pages when Twilight only wanted a few paragraphs, or something to that extent.
Not too happy with this one, especially regarding Berry Bliss’s torso but, eh, whatever. I’m also thinking of drastically changing my art style, I’ll post some examples of the potential change sometime this week. Maybe I’ll even redraw the drawings of the ‘backup six’, who knows.