Name: Purple Skies
Nicknames: Blurple, Purp
Gender: Male
Species: Pegasus
Mare: Fluttershy
Sire: ???
Hometown: Canterlot
Current Residence: Canterlot
Occupation: Canterlot Elite/Personality
Name: Pastel Macaroon
Nicknames: Mac
Gender: Female
Species: Pegasus
Mare: Fluttershy
Sire: Pinkamena Pie
Hometown: Canterlot
Current Residence: Canterlot
Occupation: Canterlot Elite/Personality
These two twins are connected at the hip seemingly, and their fame is joint fame. They are known for taking on lovers together (but the accusations of their love for each other being incestuous are false, they just like sharing), and are a fascination for gossip columns. They both have a strange intelligence about them that seems to have no real origin, and a magic aura too powerful for two pegasi but nothing seems to have come about it just yet…