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I know that posting anything political on Derpibooru is cringy, but <del>to celebrate</del> in light of the recent impeachment I think it’s clear that our government isn’t working and we need to change things up a little. The Princess of Friendship has proven herself to be a capable administrator, so she’d probably be able to run the country better than anyone else. Of course, she can’t do it alone, but luckily she has plenty of friends who can help her run things. And nominating your friends totally isn’t nepotistic at all. It’s time for a change— a real one this time, and the upcoming election gives us a chance. Who’s ready for Sparkle-Glimmer 2020?
This thing is also intended to be somewhat educational since it shows how all the different agencies (or at least the most well-known ones) are related to each other. The book Twilight is holding is known as ‘The Plum Book,’ and lists every position the President gets to nominate candidates for. The brown stuff are supposed to be a tree (because the government has ‘branches’), but I guess it also kinda looks like a stream of shit as well. I’m too lazy to add leaves. If enough people want it, I might make an alternate version where the villains take over.
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