The poor red Pegasus, Shatter, can never have peace, even when she uses the bathroom. In this case, the outhouse where she somehow gets tracked down by ponies that she hates as much as they hate her (they view her as a fraud and enemy). All she wanted was to have a peaceful pee but that’s interrupted when some pony starts taunting her. She calls them “pervert” in response and knows for a fact that they were listening to the stream that splattering the ground below. This isn’t the first time she’s been followed by ponies like this.
The outhouse has a door and the pony can’t see who’s in there, I just did it like that for artistic reasons or whatever it’s called.
Background owned by The-Mystery-Of-Doom on Deviantart here; https://www.deviantart.com/the-myst…..unds-294405567