Stack the Suitors.
Sometimes too many admirers can be just as bad as none.
Everypony wants to be friends with a princess. Flurry Heart had known this since she was a filly.
All the parents in the kindergaten had been faar too eager to get her to play with their kids. Each hoping that the future queen would grow close to one of theirs.
It was no surprise that Flurry never felt she had a real friend. just a bunch on playthings being shoved in her face wherever she went.
It was a problem that had only gotten worse with age. As every would be husband from the neighboring kingdoms lines up outside the castle doors for a chance to marry into royal hood. Especially around Hearts and hooves day.
Though Flurry knew how to deal with the problem. Rather than dismissing them one by one. Flurry would have them line upp all at once in the castle courtroom. Where they would have to submit to a game of royal stacking.