So this is what they mean by growing pains.
Poor Twilight. The adjustment period hasnt been easy.
Artists note:
Debated with myself whether or not to show any damage on Twilights skin.
In whether or not you think Alicorns are almost indestructible, and could she not just heal any scrapes and bruises herself, with magic?
But then I desised to, in way show the damage in a a cartoonistic-symbolic way. To show that even if she is physically unhurt, her spirit is not.
And if you just let yourself be indestructable. How is you little hubby-wubby gonna be able to take care of you?
(PS: Yes, I know. I uploaded the same image twice. Because i had forgotten to add the library sign before to the unfinished picture before i impatiently uploaded the previous time.)
(Should I just remove the old one or???)