Mlp – Haze
by MushinDivinity
Thanks to the wonderful :iconartemisart-alicorn: for helping me name this little filly, she said her name should be Misty Cloud or Misty Sense because she has misty like eyes. With a little research I came up with this beauty.
Little description: Once the little shy Pegasus that she was, now is a promotive and seductive mare that uses her looks to get what she wants whether stallion or mare. It all happened after she lost her back left leg, sad and terrified of the event, Haze didn’t want to be useless or the weak link of the bunch, so throughout time Haze practiced using her wits and appearance to confuse/trick others. And not only that she became the trickster of the fillies, but later she learned that her parents were a couple of rich ponies living in Canterlot. Using her parents as an opportunity to become practically invincible with the help of her new skills, Haze is now the richest pony in Equestria, a super model, a singer/star/role model, and every other popularity thing you can think of, the very symbol of Canterlot. Also was able to get the newest robotic leg(yes her back left leg is a robot leg).
Hazy Sight is her name and it is well known across Equestria and other unexplored regions, so becareful because rumors surround her mostly being about her being a succubus…Also her nickname/known name is Haze.
Here are the others if you wanna help out with their name process ->mushindivinity.deviantart.com/…
Special thanks to :iconartemisart-alicorn: for the help
Hazy Sight/Art © :iconmushindivinity:(me)
MlpFim © Hasbro and :iconfyre-flye: