Page 1075 – Six Step ProgramWhich is worse? Being given no chance, or being given a pretense of a chance with a ton of negative modifiers and rolling above a 30 and still making little impact on the situation?
Twilight Sparkle: You know what? Rainbow Dash is right.
Rainbow Dash: Why do you say that like it’s an abnormal thing…?
Twilight Sparkle: As long as we never give up, we will defeat Discord – and we’ll do it in our own special way!
Rarity: What IS that way, exactly…?
Twilight Sparkle: We enter the maze!!
DM: Alright. Can you give us a marching order as you enter the labyrinth? Who’s in front and who’s bringing up the rear?
Applejack: That sounds like trouble. Any chance the entrance is wide enough that we can all enter at the same time?
DM: Sure. You can all take your first step simultaneously.
Discord GM: Oh! Well THAT simplifies things.
Discord GM: Between each of you, a hedge wall rises out of the ground, separating you.
Rainbow Dash: With no check to avoid it??
Discord GM: I mean, I could pretend to give a chance, but… let’s be real here.
Fluttershy: I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it…!