Page 1010 – It’s Your MoveArtist: ChrisTheS
You see why I wanted to use the full sequence, even though it was much much bigger than I ever expected? So I could show off, among so many other things, a mesmerized pegasus-rogue Isabela donning a top hat and tap-dancing on a decorative railing?
DM: While that’s… going on, it’s Rainbow Dash’s turn.
Rainbow Dash: You’re in for it now: Rage Strike!
DM: …I don’t know what to tell you.
Rainbow Dash: Arrrrrrgh, COME ON! I thought I was free of the stupid dang curse!
Applejack: Got another trick, Pinkie?
Pinkie Pie: How’d you know? This is why I cast Unluck earlier! I get to reroll that attack for you, aaaaaand… That’s gotta be a hit!
DM: Okay then. There’s no way Isabela’s not bloodied now.
Rainbow Dash: YES!! AWESOME! I was totally skeptical about you going all Prescient-themed, but boy is it paying off!
Pinkie Pie: That’s nothing. Just wait ‘til you see what I’ve got on my next turn!
Applejack: Care to share with the class, Pinkie? So we can, y’know, strategize?
Pinkie Pie: If you insist! It’s a little something called Compulsion. Basically, I’ll control all her movement! And I know just what I’ll do with it!
DM: That’s not how that works.
Rainbow Dash: Even if it was, the thought of Pinkie with domination powers…
Applejack: “You slide the target 5 squares“… “cannot take move actions“… “save ends“… Actually, can Ah hold mah action until Pinkie does this?