Page 697 – Cony Before the HorsePage 700 is a week from now… I’m planning on making another Story Time video to celebrate.
If I’m being honest, though, knowing how the last two videos took so much effort to make… I have my doubts it’ll be perfectly on time. Just gonna put that out there so that I don’t have a conniption or a stress ulcer come next weekend.
DM: The bunny bounces away.</roll></roll></roll>
Fluttershy: I’m glad.
Rainbow Dash: We could’ve just gone AROUND it without losing ground on Applejack.
Fluttershy: Oh.
DM: Well, that kind of maneuver could’ve been tricky…
Rainbow Dash: Whatever, let’s get going.
Fluttershy: Right.
DM: Applejack’s carriage makes it out to the open desert. She seems to think she’s lost you, though, so for the moment she doesn’t make her drivers speed up. Combine your Athletics rolls to see how close you get.
Fluttershy:<roll> Wow.<br/>
Rainbow Dash: <roll> Aw yeah!<br/>
Pinkie Pie: <roll> I’m helping too! Somehow! Encouragement!<br/>
DM: …Well then. Forget “how close do you get.” The question now is, “How hard do you want to ram them?”