Underappreciated horse wife squad
Been meaning to draw the shadow 5s pony counterparts for a while so here is my interpretation.
Sour Sweet; a Unicorn <del>donkey hybrid</del> that moves in high circles, being close to the likes of Fancy Pants, Upper crust and Trenderhoof. By trade she is a jewler tho she is rarely found anywhere other then socialite parties and making a lasting impression on High society.
Sunny Flare; a robust earth pony with strong batpony blood that works as a lead mechanic in Canterlot castle. More of a loner who enjoys working on her own and generally is annoyed with mandatory functions like the gala that just distract her from her work.
Indigo Zap; a Pegasus guard that works at the head of her squadron. While she has never reached for the wonderbolt status, she is known as the fastest part of the castle guards and will whip her squad into shape to get the work done.
Lemon Zest; a sparky Pegasus musician that escaped her baker family to follow the call of punk pop ! While not up to the same fame state as her mentor DJ-Pon3 she is an upstart and growing her audience within Canterlot quickly.
Sugarcoat; a stern earthpony, her firm face and glasses make think assume she is an academic when her true talent lies in dance. An ace of all trades she excels as an instructor and critic, no one is safe.