Hehe It took me a while but I finally drew some fan art of Lightning Dust! !https://orig00.deviantart.net/d523/f/2016/350/8/1/mlp\_lightning\_dust\_\_hey\_there\_\_\_plz\_by\_rainbowemotes\_plz-dartu63.png!Hehe she’s in my top 10 favorite mlp characters list!~ >:3 I loved her when I found her.
Also this is my wallpaper now, I stretched ittt~ Now my Home screen is 100% awesome!;<del>; Had a hard time with the pose due to perspective</del> buuuut I did pretty goud, way better than I would’ve done months ago- because I planned on drawing her since Wonderbolts Academy- But I wuv herrr~ I plan on drawing the characters I like more often~ I decided to do something else for Valentine’s day though…. Sorry about that, though nobody was really interested anyway. So forget the free ych thing, there’s always valentine’s commissions. But ya know, those aren’t free-