Name: SimplicityAge: 25
Gender: female
Species: pegasus
Parents: Rarity & Thunderlane (†)
Siblings: Jetfire (sister), Trendy Pattern (brother)
Place of Birth: Ponyville
Place of Residence: Cloudsdale
Talent: modeling
_______________________________________________________________________General Bio
Meet the high society girl, Simplicity. Ironically enough, Simplicity is all but simple. She’s a star and she knows it. She thinks high about herself and is very much aware of her influence and power that comes with her social status. Many ponies would do whatever they see in her eyes, and those who won’t… well, Simplicity has her ways to make them. She isn’t all that defenseless and some ponies already found out the hard way. She can be very manipulative and ruthless on her way to get what she wants – and you can be sure she will get it. But since she’s so good at disimulating, ponies still love her, not seeing the horrible, cocky persona hiding behind that elegant simple smile.Relationships