You got the one Applemare, I’m eastbound and down!
I wanted to do a tribute to one of my favourite movies from the 70s. I started the drawing this summer on 26th july and I finished it today 4th of november! I am a kind of busy person (and lazy xD), in a total of 13 hours of work.
Dedicated to the memory of Burt Reynolds (1936-2018). When I heard of his death, some tears went out of me ;_;
So, in short words, is a tribute to this great movie with an EQG style (I know that Spike should be in his doggy version but I prefered him as a dragon I don’t know why):
“Join the adventure of our friends Rainbow Dash (The Rainboom), Applejack (Applemare), Rarity (Frog), Twilight Sparkle (Smokey) and Spike (Junior) in a race against the law. The Flim Flam brothers challenged Dash to bring them a cargo of 400 boxes of the best apple cider in 28 hours. She will need the help of her great friend Applejack to transport the cargo and a Trans Am to avoid troubles with Twilight S. Justice. And then, she meet in the middle of the road the future (or not) wife of Twilight’s little dragon Spike. How will this end?“
Hope you like it ;)