Cherry Fizz and Cotton Candy were ecstatic. Today, their little sister was born and they couldn’t be more excited to be older siblings. They sat in the waiting room with their Grandma Dash, waiting to be called to see the baby.
“I can’t wait to see her!” Cotton could hardly sit still as she fidgeted excitedly in her chair.
“Me too!” Cherry grinned eagerly. “Grandma, when are they gonna let us in?”
“We should be called up anytime now, kid,” Rainbow Dash chuckled as she ruffled her grandson’s mane.
“Hey, you messed up my mane!” He pouted.
“Ah, that won’t matter. She’s just a baby, she won’t notice.” Rainbow shrugged.
“I guess..”
“Is there a Dash family here?” At long last, a nurse poked her head around the corner.
“That’s me!” Cotton exclaimed as she jumped up and galloped towards the nurse.
“Hold on there kiddo!” Rainbow Dash called as she chased after the filly. Cherry was not far behind.
They followed the nurse down a hallway before stopping at a closed door. “This is your stop.”
Rainbow stepped up and knocked on it. They were answered by Lightning Bolt’s hushed voice from the other side. “Come in!”
The older mare began to walk in but was quickly overtaken by the foals rushing in from behind her.
“Where is she? Where is she?”
“Shhh, she’s napping,” Lightning whispered. “You two have to use your inside voices.”
“Oops, sorry,” Cotton whispered back, still peering eagerly over the edge of the bed to see the baby.
“Is that her?” Cherry asked.
“Yep!” Confetti smiled, tired but cheerful. “You two want to hold her?”
“Yes!” Both twins whisper-shouted in unison.
“Do you remember how to hold a baby?”
“Yeah, we practiced, remember? On that scary baby doll you gave us. One of us holds her head while the other holds her butt.”
“Hey, don’t say that wor—oh, never mind.” Confetti placed the baby in Cherry and Cotton’s arms. “Just be gentle.”
The two fillies sat down with their little sister, staring at her in awe.
“So, what are you two going to name her?” Rainbow chimed in, watching the scene with her son and daughter-in-law.
Confetti and Lightning exchanged a glance. “We were thinking Chocolate Bomb.”
“That’s an awesome name. I bet one day she’ll be as cool as her grandmare with a name like that.”
“I guess,” Confetti chuckled. She then turned towards her twins. “What do you guys think?”
“I think that’s a good name!” Cotton grinned.
Confetti paused for a moment, smiling as if she had an idea. “Hey, can you guys do me a favor?”
Both twins nodded.
“Will you promise to always love her and take care of her? Even if you get mad?”
“Of course Mommy!” Cherry replied. “Why wouldn’t we?”
“You guys have to Pinkie Promise, okay?”
“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” Cherry and Cotton went through the motions eagerly.
Confetti smiled. “And we never break a Pinkie Promise, right? And even if we do, we always make it up?”
“Yeah!” They agreed, not even taking their eyes off their sister. “We’ll never break it, Mommy, don’t worry.”