Artist’s comment:
….And a Pumpkin Spice Latte to boot.
I loved this lovely Kirin.(probably more than anyone of the other Kirins) She has a beautiful voice and an amazing song with telling a great story of why they were silent and basically me whenever someone talks to me about something I like. Though that one scene where the dumbass Kirins try to force AJ and Flutters in the lake to silent them, was a real dick move. And they aren’t even Kirin, or have flame powers. Dumbasses.
And now, I’m gonna nick pick a bit on the designs. Cause I have a right to say some things, right?
At first, I thought the color palettes on them were dull and boring at first, till I realized their Nirik forms(or “triggered” forms as I like to call it) are more bold and more colorful.(though I wished the nirik forms had more of a variety of firey colors to others Kirins)Autumn had the right colors, everyone else was meh.
The lion like mane bugs me,and every single one of them has it, it really doesn’t stand out. Hence I prefer putting fur just on the chest and separate it from the mane.
And, lastly, this really was bugging me, is that the colt Kirin were just like the mares but with no eye lashes. I also wasn’t much of a fan them using just a regular pony mare shape for them. I mean their leader is a giant, how the hell does that work??
But these are just nitpicks, people. I’m an artist, I can totally change it up a bit like I did with the Changelings. And yeah, Lucy’s new Bio will change later. I’m thinking that the Neighpon Kirins are a different types of Kirins as oppose to these Kirins.(I cant remember their village’s name for crap)
Okay, rant/review over. Night!