Even though I couldn’t get the colors in the background to mesh entirely with the midground I still think this pic came out nicely (if a little cluttered). So who do we have here: it’s the women of the pie family enjoying a good old fashioned sparring session with Pinkie managing to pin her sisters Marble and Limestone while their older sister Maud is having a go with their mother Cloudy Quartz.
I haven’t really done Pinkie’s family in the past (sans a background Maud) and I wanted to include them. The colors were based off of their outfits (Maud and Cloudy) and the colors of their sister (Marble and Limestone).
Side note: a funny thing I noticed about Cloudy Quartz is that if you take away the classes and the hair do she doesn’t really look any older than her daughters. Though I can personally attest to the age changing affects of wearing your classes on the end of your nose (since I do that) and I’ve always had people assume I’m older than I am (though I’m sure being the size of an adult since middle school and bigger since then has nothing to do with that).
Finally, I also included Maud’s pet rock Boulder in the pic and I’m wondering if anyone can find him.
I don’t own these characters just the pic