Once upon a clop, I created a trollish satire on the MLP movie, “Equestria Girls”, which I called “Equestibooru Girls”…It made some laugh, and some also cried.Since those lovable diaper-loving freaks at DA seem to be doing their best to remove the comic, due to some vague crap about “policy” (EG: salty brony admins),
I have decided to offer the first 46 pages of the comic (including all the deleted episodes) for free, as a digital comic, in the full glorious format it was intended!
This includes roughly half the story, and features the adventures of a parody pony princess and her quest for domination of the universe.The comic is 46 pages long, in PDF format, and I will include the future episodes in a second PDF down the line. So this free comic will be an introduction to people
who have never seen Equestibooru Girls. This will also give you the episodes that DA decided to delete. So please feel free to download the PDF from the link…!Consider this a little gift from me!
I definitely plan to finally finish the saga…As it has all been penciled, but inking and colouring the many, many pages will be a big task…But it will happen.NEW UPDATE!
Now the comic is available in a NewGrounds downloadable link…Help yourself!