Thousands of years post ascension, former princess Twilight Sparkle has made quite the name for herself as the developer of the technology that led to the now numerous pony-like androids that roam Equestria. After stepping down from the throne to pursue her scientific studies, Twilight Sparkle has since left the very company she helped found, the company responsible for all current android production: CyberLife.
The AX400, as one of the most affordable pony android models on the market, is often purchased as a simple housekeeper or family maid. A particular AX400 — dubbed “Sunset Shimmer” by the child in her charge — owned by a pegasus stallion named Wind Rider would be just another case among the growing number of androids developing their own form of sapience, free will, and emotions, as the urge to protect Wind Rider’s daughter from his anger caused her to deviate from her original programming and seek instead a new goal: to ensure the well-being of little Scootaloo.