“The Princess would like to see you.”
Shining Star froze in his seat. This was it, this was the moment he’d have to face her. His mother had made him come, and he was terrified. After their last interaction going oh-so well, he had no idea how it would end.
“Go on, Star. I’ll wait out here.” Starlight Glimmer nudged him out of his seat.
He gulped, reluctantly following the nurse as she led him down the maternity ward halls. The sounds of babies filled his ears…babies, like the ones he was so convinced would take away his best friend. He didn’t know what to think anymore. He didn’t know what to feel. All his thoughts and feelings swirled through his mind in one incoherent mess.
“In here, sweetie.”
The nurse opened a door, motioning for Star to go in. Taking a deep breath, he walked in and saw her.
Flurry Heart’s ears pricked up at the sight of the young unicorn, and a huge grin spread over her weary face. “Hi, Star,” Flurry spoke quietly as three tiny bundles squirmed in her hooves. “I’m so glad you decided to stop by.” Her husband, Pound Cake, looked up from his wife’s hooves and smiled at him as well.
Star marveled at how exhausted she looked. It was no surprise; giving birth was no hayride. But the alicorn’s mane was tangled and strangly, and Flurry’s eyes were still clouded over with pain. Her coat was thick with sweat and her feathers ruffled.
“It was a long labor,” Pound brushed a wing on Star’s side as he approached the bed, as if reading his mind. “Thirty-two hours.”
Star’s eyes widened. “I’m alright, Star. Just…gonna be sore and worn out for a while.” Flurry reassured him quickly. “Do you want to say hello?”
Star lightly nodded, out of words to say as he gazed at the three little fillies in her arms. Even after all the jealousy and resentment of the past few months, Star couldn’t bring himself to hate them. They were so tiny and helpless, how could he?
Star couldn’t express how badly he wanted to hug Flurry tight and apologize for being so closed-minded, but it would have to wait. Flurry looked so infatuated in gazing at her babies, such love in her eyes, that Star couldn’t interrupt and ask for something as selfish as a hug.
“C-congratulations,” Star finally managed to stutter. “They’re beautiful.”
The alicorn smiled up at Star. “Their names are Crystal Quarters, Fondant Kiss, and Agape Sherbet.”
“Those are nice names. I’m sure they’ll grow up to be wonderful mares.” Star smiled slightly.
“Thank you. I’m sure they will too.” The princess chuckled. Flurry glanced at her husband, who nodded. “So, Star…we were wondering if you’d be interested in being our fillies’ Crystaller. That is…if you’re not still mad at me.” Flurry shot Star a worried glance, anticipation glittering in her blue eyes.
Star’s eyes widened. He stared at his old friend in disbelief. “Me?” He blurted, louder than he meant to, quickly covering his mouth with one hoof. Flurry tensed as Fondant Kiss and Crystal Quarters squirmed in her hooves and Agape Sherbet let out a high-pitched grunt of discomfort.
“Sorry!” Star whispered, ears flat. “I didn’t mean to wake them. I was just…I can’t believe…you want me to be the babies’ Crystaller? After everything I’ve said to you? After being such a jerk? All you wanted was a family, and I was too selfish to look past my own wants and feelings to think about you. I was an awful friend.” Star choked, not realizing that he was crying until Flurry dried his tears with her wing.
“No, it’s okay, Star. I understand. Please don’t cry.”
Star looked away shamefully. “I-I just didn’t want to lose you. I thought you didn’t want to be my friend anymore, that you wouldn’t make time for me any more. But that was so dumb. I’m so dumb for thinking that. I…I’m sorry.” Star wiped away his fresh tears before Flurry could see them.
Before he could say anything else, Flurry’s wing pulled him closer to her and she wrapped her hooves around him tightly. Too emotional to be surprised, Star returned the gesture, burying his muzzle into her shoulder. “It’s okay, sweetie. Really, it is. I would never let anything come between us. I may be more busy now, but that doesn’t mean I won’t make time for you.”
After separating, Star sniffled, wiping his eyes once more. Flurry took his hoof in hers as she smiled softly. “What do you say, Star?”
“If you can really forgive me…then…I’d love to be their Crystaller.” Star smiled genuinely for the first time since his fight with Flurry. “And I promise, I’ll be the best BBBFF that anypony could ever ask for.”