I haven’t actually been that MLP focused as of late (heck I haven’t watched any of season 8 yet) but I got this idea the other day from this pic: and while I’m not really the biggest fan of Mai Shiranui’s design, it’s a little TOO sexual for my taste, I thought it looked nice on Fluttershy and decided to try my hand at adapting it to pony form. That led to me doing another character the same way and by the end I had a couple more characters that I wanted to add but couldn’t because of space and wanting to avoid a massive pic. But now I do have ideas for a few more pics. And yes I’m classifying it as a pwny-fu pic because I say it qualifies.
I’m also going to issue a small challenge to see who can name all the references first. I know they’re mostly obvious but I kind of feel like two might give you some trouble.
I don’t own these characters just the pic