[bq=“kaemantis”]So teenage Scootaloo, precious darling of mamas Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy (and
Godpoppy Discord too), leads a rangly-tangly skater gang composed of fellow Thatchroof
Prep students. The boys in Scoot’s crew are relatively mild-mannered—mostly they just
tool around on their skateboards, play their music loud and brag about how sexy they
obviously are. But the fillies (namely Pinchy and Pumpkin Cake) idolize Rebel Leader
Scoot and hang on her every word. When Scoot is in the mood (as she often is) for a
spirited round of “bully hunting”, her girls are always more than happy to fight
the good fight at her side…even if the alleged bullies haven’t cause the gang
any personal insult, or in fact done anything cruel to anyone in years because-
-heaven forbid!—they’ve long since grown out of their douchebag phase.
If teen Scoot’s self-proclaimed vigilantism feels a lot like bullying itself,
that’s because it is. By high school our Scoot is quite the spoiled brat,
bloated with the admiration of her peers. To her credit, I will affirm that
Scoot eventually matures past this and classes up her act. Kids will be kids
and kids can be super [lame] shitty, but they don’t always stay shitty [lame] forever.
On another note, this is the first time I’ve shown any JG characters wearing their
sigil pins. Typically when a young mare or stallion enters high school, her/his
family commissions a special cutie mark pin for the family’s newest near-adult.
A sigil pin is typically worn as a tie tack on a uniform or other manner of
formal dress. Among romantic partners too young to marry, sigil pins are often
swapped and displayed, kind of like class rings for human kids. Scoot and Pumpkin
are shown here sporting their sweethearts’ pins; Pinchy, who is single, is wearing her own.
PS: Pinchy wears a trenchcoat of teenage disillusion because of course
she does. She had a lousy childhood and all her closest friends are lobsters.[/bq]