Lockepicke dives into the pile of plushies, making sure she can see the path that leads up to the door from where she is. It’s actually quite comfortable.
She waits about a minute, and sure enough two ponies come around the corner.
There are two of them, and both are earth pony stallions. One is a big, beefy stallion wearing chainmail with a breastplate and a helmet. He has a sword strapped to his side, and looks like he could fight.
The other pony is older and a bit more frail looking. His eyes have deep rings under them, his cheeks are sunken, and his hair is a bit wispy. However just looking at him she can tell he has a commanding presence, and her gut is telling her that she probably shouldn’t get in a fight with him as well. He’s dressed much less armored, with only a hat, boots, a tunic with a mantle on top. She can see some sort of utility belt beneath the mantle, but from here she can not tell what it might contain.
Once they reach the door the older of the two says something.
“Speak, Face, and get on with it.” He demands.
“Oh hey! So how are- wait, where is Lockepicke?” Face on the wall says, looking around, “I thought she would have ran into you two already.”
“Could the intruder have gone ahead?” The armored pony says.
“Uh, I didn’t see her up there no.” Face on the Wall says.
“A she eh? You didn’t say it was a mare.” the warrior says interested, “She a cute one then?”
“Enough, Haubrek. On your guard, this intruder could be watching us as we speak.” The older one says looking around.
The pony draws his sword and says, “Fine… But you really need to lighten up a little, Lucian.”
He then nudges the older pony and says, “Eh? Get it? ‘Lucian’? ‘Lighten up?’ Eh? Eh?”
The older one does not respond to this.
What does Lockepicke do?
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