Gabby wiggled in place, feeling the cool platter beneath her as she sat stuck on her back, staring upward with a stupid grin on her beak. Her whole body was swelling outward, feathers sticky and running together into thick frosting atop her as she felt herself less and less able to move as she formed into a short cakey cylinder. The gryphon flexed her talons and toes, paws shrinking back as they were sucked into the frosting that her fur and feathers had become, the last of her tail tip twitching to and fro before it too vanished into the cake. She glanced around at the berries artfully arranged around her, giggling as she felt the faint tickle of warm liquid chocolate being drizzled over her belly- the taste of chocolate, sugar, and berries filling her mouth as her beak fused shut, smoothing down into her frosting as the rest of her countenance was subsumed beneath her dessert-ey form… She wouldn’t be just ANY birthday cake, she’d be the BEST there could be! Gabby was great at everything, after all!
Figured this part of it would be worthy of submitting on its own, full image here: