The Ku-neigh-ichi aren’t the only ninja group in the world, and sometimes they run across member (former or present) of others. Such as today, when they came across a mare who happened to have been apart of such a band in her youth but put it aside to start a family. It also happens that same mare was the mother of a certain Princess of Friendship; but then, life is funny that way.
You want to know the two biggest reasons I didn’t post this pic a couple of weeks ago: I forgot to and I couldn’t think of a name for it. So sorry about that. But yeah I made this before they came out with an episode revealing Twilight’s mom had a wild side, that happens to me more often than you’d think. Thankfully it didn’t say anything to contradict me saying she was secretly a ninja in her youth so my original defense of the pic still works: you can’t disprove me! laughs maniacally and twirls mustache
Here’s the original:
I don’t own these characters just the pic