You asked could either of them help you make a map of the area. “No.” Green responded flatly. “What would be the point for you to have a map of this place? You gonna be gone soon so why have a map of a place where you’re never gonna come back too? If you can remember here everything is, then ask for directions. You’re a smart kid, you should remember where the nearest candy shop is without a second thought once.” You just stand there taking in Green’s words and understanding that you don’t need a map.
You then ask the group what is masturbation? “Wow, you serious kid? You don’t know? Didn’t your parents ever tell you or did your teachers talk about sex?” Flash asked. You shake your head and say you don’t really know. “Okay, seeing you need some education on that,” Macalin started. “What masturbation is what you do when your little filly parts starts feeling uh….tingly. To make the feeling go away, you need to it feel even more tingly by rubbing it. The more to rub it, you’ll start feeling good. Then when you feel like you gotta pee, that mean you’re about to hit your climax called an orgasm. Whatever you do, don’t stop rubbing. You keep rubbing until your start squirting.” You nod, remembering all the details to masturbating.
You asked do need a stallion part too? All of them looks at one another then busts out laughing. Flash pats your head. “Nah, you don’t need one to do it kid.”The three then walks out the kitchen leaving you in alone.
You then make your way up to the bedroom and put your drawing in your saddlebags and flop on the bed.
What will you do now?
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