Yeah, summers over for me and Im starting college tomorrow. Im a little nervous to be honest, but watching cartoons makes the anxiety lessen. Even watching Fish Hooks and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic calms the nerves and makes me realize how lucky I am that Im going to college. Im like Oscar and Twilight Sparkle: studious and ready to learn more. :)
I recently watched a RS episode called More Smarter where I learned that Rigby dropped out of high school. Honestly, I thought so;
When I was kid, my dad told me to do good in school, because he says that those who dont go to school become garbage collectors. I was only ten and in elementary, so I never thought that was a bad job. Now that Im older, I realize that I am lucky and on my way to a great future. :D
Yeah, when I learned in that episode that Rigby never finished school, I have realize how lucky I am and how amazed I am that my studying hard in school led my to my graduation as well as my ticket into a good college.
Though Rigbys an idiot, I feel bad that he doesnt have what I as well as Mordecai and the others have: a high school diploma. :XD: Now Im on my way to getting my college diploma. :w00t:
And recently watching Fish Hooks, I saw the Run Oscar Run episode. That face Oscar had when he got his perfect attendance award, I drew it up there. It is SO epic! :XD: Yeah, Oscars planning to go to a good college after he graduates; hes so smart and hes part of the cheerleading squad, what college wouldnt want him? :)
And yes, thats Keef from the Invader Zim series. Hes really cute and hes really sweet, and if youve read my IZ cartoon crossover story Earthworm Zim then you know that hes part of a great cartoon family and with many cartoon friends. I am proud to finally draw him. :aww:
In this picture:
Keef and Apple Bloom meet up with Milo and Oscar at the park and the kids notice that Oscar has been holding the same happy expression since they came over. And its really starting to creep them out as well as worry them silly
Keef is worried that Oscar might be having some sort of super happy fish sickness but Milo explains that Oscar had just received good news from their school counselor that Oscar will be able to get into college because he just recently joined the schools cheer squad. Yeah, Oscars so happy that his dreams will come true. :XD:
Apple Bloom is still worried, trying to call out to Oskie while trying to get him to move some more. Doesnt that fillys face make you just want to go AWWW? :iconomgsocuteplz:
And Rigbys overhears their conversation while digging in the garbage for some thrown away treasure, scoffing at the thought of college. He calls school a dump, yet look where hes digging, man! :rofl:
I will NOT be a Rigby! I will be an Oscar, with some Twilight Sparkle, and do awesome in college. :iconthumbsupplz:
Apple Bloom from MLP FIM Lauren Faust
Milo and Oscar from Fish Hooks Noah Jones
Keef from Invader Zim Jhonen Vasquez
Rigby from The Regular Show J.G. Quintel