Daisy Jo and Zecora enjoy to be stuck together as a zebrow.
Zecora: I wouldn’t believe it until now that I will be ever be part of a zerbow!
Daisy Jo: Yeah! Zebras are hard to come by around here doncha know ?
Zecora: I’d never thought of being stuck to a cow as nice you. Ever I was a young filly, I’d dream to becoming a zebrow and now I’m one with you!!
Daisy Jo: I’d never thought of be stuck to a zebra as amazing as you. Ever since I’d was a little calve, I’d wanted to be a zebrow and now I’m one with you!
Daisy Jo: This is an historic day.
Zecora: One that where everyone will say.
Jocora: (aka both) The rebirth of the Zebrows!