Emerald checks his pack for food and water. He doesn’t have any himself, but he is sure that Joyride does. He even asks just to make sure.
“Huh? Oh, I guess I have some yeah. Most of it is in the house though.” Joyride says.
“We aren’t going to set up the house in here are we…?” Ruby says, looking around at the cave.
“Nah, too small. I really should get just a regular tent or something shouldn’t I?” Joyride says, scratching the back of her head.
Emerald asks if demons are concerned about anything other than obtaining power, and also asks what other kinds of demons there are.
“Why you asking me? Ask Pip.” Joyride says, leaning back further and closing her eyes.
Emerald takes out the demon’s book and unlatches the locks.
Pip pops out of the book with a sigh of relief and looks around.
“Huh. Where are we?”
Emerald says that they are hiding for the moment, and asks her if demons are obsessed with anything more than obtaining power.
“Wha- that’s pretty racist, Emerald. I mean it’s mostly true, but ever demon is an individual. Some just want to be left alone. Some just want love. Others just want a good show, or to mess with people.” Pip says giggling.
“Which one are you.” Ruby asks aggressively.
Pip sticks out her tongue in response, and Emerald asks what kind of demons there are.
“Oh all sorts! There are pyrodaemons like me. There are cryodaemons… Those guys are no good, trust me. Lot’s of demons based on the elements. Oh! And lot’s based on animals as well… Hmm… Corprodaemons. You don’t want to know what those guys are.” Pip says laughing out loud and wagging a hoof dismissively.
Inventory & Spells – http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv
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