A birthday gift for Yatterhog
He wanted a picture featuring MLP FIM Season 1 Princess Luna and I immediately got this idea for another sweet cartoon crossover which involves good ol’ Samy once again. He is her best friend.
This takes place way before the “Luna Eclipsed” episode, way before Nightmare Night, way before Season 2 Luna came in. In here, Princess Luna is still small and child-like looking, waiting patiently as she regains her full powers and be restored to her full appearance.
Here’s my first ever picture of Season 2 Luna [link]
What makes Samy one of the luckiest toons is that he is one of few who truly recognizes Luna’s slow transformation, knowing soon she will regain her adult appearance, her full height, her wavy, pretty mane…
In this picture:
Staying in Canterlot with Luna and her sister in the castle for the night, Luna invites him to join her outside and watch her raise the moon.
And a beautiful moon it is.
Samy is amazed by such breathtaking beauty…and the moon ain’t bad either!