Basically a continuation of the survey that was started on the previous page, Sabe then looks to his right, towards the other end of the Savanna and sees,
Kweli the Bontebok getting a drink of water,
Dom Stom Bubu the Ostrich playing with a blue Butterfly, (a Blerf)
and Kekere the Dik-Dik looking right back at him, waving and saying hi!
During this survey, Uganda is amazed by how vigilant he is. But wonders who exactly he’s looking out for. There are no other Sable Antelopes to be seen, so this slightly confuses her.
Another fun page to work on! Really like it when I get to draw more than just the same two characters for once….or twice on two pages!
I don’t know why, but Dom the Ostrich always looks really funny to me. Maybe because he just has that goofy personality that really fits with him being an Ostrich. Ostriches are pretty funny in real life!
And notice how Kekere is the only one out of all these characters in the Savanna that has spotted Sabe doing his survey of the land. Does this have meaning to it? We shall see in the last three pages I have drawn out!