Emerald asks where she got those as he looks into the bag. There are quite a few spears in there. He also asks if the wasps are pretty tough.
“You can purchase spears like these in any decently sized town in the Zebralands. As for the wasps toughness… Alone they are decently tough I suppose, an equine probably couldn’t take one down unarmed, but you have to remember we are dealing with a whole hive of them.”
Emerald asks if she is sure Ruby will be safe in there.
“She’s a tough one. She’ll probably do fine as long as she listens to anything Joyride or I say. I’m more worried about Loupe. Her head isn’t in the game, and we need her to help us get to the queen’s chambers.” Nishan says glancing back at the door to the house.
Emerald asks how she is doing, and why she needs her to find the Queen’s nest.
“She is better than she was yesterday, but she clearly has something on her mind. Anyway, we need her because of her expertise on the flora and fauna of the area. I’ve been to a nest once before, but I wasn’t a guide then, just a hired hoof. I wouldn’t be able to lead us anywhere.”
Emerald asks what sort of prayer a follower of Ekwueme would do right about now.
“We pray for a good harvest, and commit our souls to the eternal hunt that is the afterlife should we perish.” Nishan says, fastening her bag back together.
Emerald asks how the sacrifice went last night.
“It went well.” Nishan says, slinging her bag on her back, “We are going to move soon I imagine. Are you ready?”
Inventory & Spells – http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv
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