Basically it’s a “what-if” scenario where Kilala’s character’s end up running their own Kingdom. I even came up with an interesting story behind it:
A Chaotic Romance:
A thousand years ago, so sometime after the two sisters came into power, a chaotic creature known as Discord made himself known and began to spread chaos and disharmony throughout the lands. His rampage was quelled however when Celestia confronted him alone and actually managed to appeal to his more sympathetic side and convince him to stop.
The two became surprisingly close as the as Celestia rebuilt the kingdom. However through some unforeseen circumstances (she refused to go into detail) he eventually turned back to his chaotic evil ways and was forcibly imprisoned in stone.
After his defeat however, Celestia discovered she was pregnant with his child, a secret she kept from the public eye as long as possible. However when she eventually gave birth to the child, she refused to ever reveal the father’s identity, simply stating that he was “no longer with us”. The moment her child was born she placed special spell on him that would make him look like a dark gray Alicorn and hide his true species, he was named Illusion as a result.
The Darkest Night:
A while after Discord’s defeat, Princess Luna discovered a secret colony of bat-winged Pegasi that had remained hidden from the rest of Equestria. Due to her being Princess of the Night she ended up befriending the colony, and overtime even ended up falling in love with their leader: Supernova.
Sadly, when the Bat Ponies were introduced to the rest of Equestria, they were simply met with prejudice and fear. Even when several of them joined the Royal Guard to show their undying servitude to Luna, the citizens simply viewed them as a threat. Despite this however, Luna continued to stand up for them.
The greatest tragedy came about three months later when it was revealed that Luna was pregnant with Supernova’s child. An assassin (hired under the belief that the bat ponies were using Luna for their own personal gain) attempted to assassinate their leader. While Supernova fought bravely, he was untimely killed. This in turn triggered Luna’s transformation into Nightmare Moon, after which she took the bat ponies and the well guys it was loyal to her and flead to the mountains, in her own Nightmare Kingdom if she eventually gave birth to Nidra.
Sometime after her Daughter was born, Nightmare Moon once an assault on the Celestia’s Kingdom, sadly this ended with her banishment to the moon and many members of the Nightmare Kingdom were captured, only a select few that managed to escape took Nidra with them, raising her to be their next Queen…
1000 Years later:
In this version of a Equestria, the elements of harmony never came into play because Nightmare Moon had not escaped yet. As a result, many events of history had changed. While the mane six did still end up becoming friends, it was under many different circumstances, and certain NexGen children were born through slightly different means…
Despite his true form being alive for many years, Illusion still fears prejudice from his subject’s, having found a small handful of ponies he can honestly call friends, and even a special somepony-er-dragon.
However, on the night of the Summer Sun Celebration, Nidra and her Nightmare army strike, as the 1000-year spell finally breaks, resulting in Nightmare Moon’s freedom. the ensuing battle resulted in Celestia’s herself being banished and the forces taking over Ponyville. With Illusion next in line to rule, he must now protect Equestria from the Nightmare family’s reign…
And now for the list:
King & Queen: Illusion & Clarity:
Heir: Identity:
Kingdom Symbol: Illusion’s cutie mark.
Pet: Phillomina
Wizard: Anthea: She act’s as Identity’s mentor in order to help her with her magic.
Rival/Enemy: Nidra: Wants to take over the kingdom and rule alongside her mother in order to avenge her father.
12 Knights of Harmony:
The fateful Knights of Canterlot who are known as the “Elite of the Elite”, they are always on the front lines and ready to defend their kingdom at any cost. They are the few Ponies who know of their King’s true form.
1: Valiant Heart (Leader)
2: Starburst (Second-in-command)
3: Night Light
4: Starfall
5: Turquoise Blitz
6: Prism Bolt
7: Icy Storm
8: Whirlwind
9: Echo
10: Golden Delicious
11: Fletcher
12: Api
The Fool: Dove: Starfall’s half-sister. She act’s as the court jester in order to bring joy to the kingdom, but in reality she’s a well-trained spy. Searching for threat’s to her King’s rule
Treasurer: Crème de la Crème:
She collects taxes from the towns ponies, she also goes to the king should she suspect anything suspicious…
Infantry: Hot Head:
He is in charge of the branch of an army that consists of soldiers specifically trained to engage, fight, and defeat the enemy in face-to-face combat.
Warlord: Lucky Star:
A warlord who has both military and civil control over a sub-national area.
(Spy): Amber Lily:
She excelled in her lesson’s in stealth and spying on the Nightmare forces. No one has ever caught her.
All these characters belong to kilala97.