[bq=“assasinmonkey”]New addition for my Season 6 Episode Art!
Season 6, Episode 19: The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
For more info on my episode art: MLP:FIM Season 5 Episode Art Streams
Wasn’t feeling too well trying to make this, but I had to make something with happy Gabby!
She was just so adorably excited, ha-ha. It’s hard to have to disappoint her in anything.
T’was really nice to see a griffon character introduced, and with a good reason.
The story subject needed a non-pony. And it also gave us a chance to have a little
flashback again. A lot of things just felt like it fit just right. Her design was
also fitting. The puffy cheeks, tee-hee. So sad when the tears started, though.
But sometimes, things in life just get to that and is for the best. Also, the
same VA as Little Strongheart. So nice to see an old voice return in the show!
I do want to make some more of her some time later on. I kinda felt like
I could do better, but was just not able to, today. The style approaches
I choose are pretty draining I think, they’re not the best processes I have.
I’m not the most proficient at directly at color, at least not in every scenario.
Sometimes I’m worse with grey-scale, but maybe it’d been better for this one, single
character focused. But, that’s basically the continuous development of my art.
Anyhow, hope y’all enjoyed this episode, character and little art piece!
Approx Time: 7.5 hours
Photoshop CC