Trixie is my Knight of Fire – what would be the Knight of Wands in a normal deck. Travel, innovation, always looking forward and eager to display their knowledge, but also continually ready for battle and full of fire, this knight relies on her good sense and her quick ability to react to changing situations. Her natural drive for success leads her to often begin working toward a goal before really identifying why she wants it, and what she expects to gain by achieving her goals usually doesn’t occur to her until she’s already underway. Action and moving is the only thing that matters; continually pressing toward the end, acting without thought because meaning only comes through playing things out on the stage. Reversed, and she becomes insecure and afraid to expose her true feelings – confused about her own self identity she loses direction and become the source of great disharmony and disruption for all around her. Only by following her own conscience, can the reversed Knight of Fire regain their brilliant flame, and truly show the world once and for all who is the greatest and most powerful!
Of all the cards in the deck, I think this fits Trixie better than any card fits any other pony.