“It’s good.”
The taste is above average, but nothing mind blowing, at least, not compared to what you’re used to eating.
“Do you want a taste? It’s a meal worthy of sharing.”
>“I am not supposed to eat with my employers.”
“I suppose not…but I’m gonna make you do it anyways. I doubt that sandwich filled you up at all.”
>“Sir, it’s not right for me to eat at the same table as you.”
“I don’t mind it. Come on then.”
>”…Y-Yes, sir.”
She sits down beside you, spooning a small portion onto a small plate of her own. She eats quietly.
“Mmm, I…I think I detect a hint of something…a hint of…?”
>“I simply used peppered spices and curry powder.”
As she eats, you notice her cheeks glowing a bit red. You bet that she doesn’t get this sort of treatment very much…
>“Thank you, sir. For…For letting me eat with you.”