It is said that whenever a magic user dies, their souls do not go to Heaven or Hell. They are instead taken to the source of all magic, known as the Ebonmere. As these tainted souls sought to lead and control the world in life, they must spend the afterlife learning to follow and submit to their unknown patrons: the Hecatites, the spirits formed when life first began to explore the realms beyond physical understanding. There are many tiers of these ancient beings, but all share one common trait: centuries of being steeped in the infinite possibilities of raw magic have made them immensely powerful, immensely decadent, and immensely arrogant. All who seek the power of magic make an unknown and unseen pact with them, which the Hecatites resent due to their belief that all magic was once theirs and should remain such.
Therefore, the more powerful mortal wizards and witches are in life, the more subjected they become in death. Sunset Shimmer, a former Alicorn Princess before death lay claim to her, has found this the hard way along with her mentor.
Sunset shudders as her master’s immense bovine girth slides into her, barely able to breath as the heady aroma of his musky fur fills her senses and the overwhelming crushing weight of the mana bath soaks into her body. Her master – she cannot grasp his name or any word he speaks – seems to growl in frustration at her resistance to him, and she feels her body go limp with a thought as he crushes her body against his further, slowly immersing himself and her in the liquid energy.
“Don’t worry, Master,” Twilight moans as his tail slips into her ass and she annoints his dark fur with holy oils. “Sunset’s just stubborn, is all. She’ll learn to love it soon enough.”
And indeed she must…for that is her eternal fate as one who gave up her afterlife for mortal power.