You decide to take a defensive approach waiting for any opening to strike. Nadine slashes at you which you block with you shield only to block a follow up shield bash. You feel a little pain return to your shield-leg.
“I thought I told you to be a survivor! Last time I checked, I didn’t think that survivor meant coward!”
You try your best to put a scared look on your face and shiver a bit. “I can’t fight you Nadine, not you!”
“Here I thought you would fight me, give me a real taste of a challenge, but here you are leaving me with nothing more than a pathetic crying foal! No matter, It’s only brings me one filly closer to a real challenge.”
“Nadine, why are you trying so hard to play the crowd?”
She stops for a short moment. Her muzzle scrunches up and her brow tightens as she holds what looks like a tight smile on her lips.
“Is getting them on your side part of your deal?”
“How, How dare you believe that I need to do something so… Don’t be foolish, I’m only here to crush my enemies on my way to a true challenge and freedom, weather or not these fine patrons enjoy my ascension to freedom is none of my concern.”
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