So I haven’t done much SFM work for a while (blame Overwatch for that). But I still wanted to keep my skills from rusting up too much. Also I wanted to do something with my two favorite mares, Roxy and MonMon.
So here we have my two favorite mares getting teased and tickled by a bunch of glowy tentacles! Such evil!
The tentacles are a bitch to pose, let me just say that. You have dozens of bones for each one, which of course makes them very flexible, but also tough to pose. Also in hindsight I probably wouldn’t have gone with this particular skin for the tentacles cause they got kinda washed out by the lights (especially the ones on MonMon’s tummy), but they still look okay.
I wanted to give both girls different poses and expressions. Thank God for those eyebrow props, right? MonMon’s trying to be a tough girl and hold it back, while Roxy’s already giggling up a storm…or at least that’s what she’s supposed to be doing. The flexes on the pony models aren’t exactly the best when it comes to making “laughing” expressions, but I make do anyway.
And for those wondering if I’m going to be doing more SFM tickle pics in the future, the answer is yes. In fact, MonMon’s creator is actually helping me out with this, they’re making a little somethin something that I think you guys are going to like.
Roxy and MonMon owned by their respective creators (to whom I offer my sincerest apologies :V)