_“Can we stop by the playground? Please?”_
“Sweetie, we need to get back. It’s nearly three.”
“Just a few minutes?”
_”…Oh alright, just a little bit.”_That’s my title and I’m sticking with it.
, who shall now be known as Sir Striker the Punctual, due to his great feats here.
I’m so glad he chose that because it’s been forever since I did something with these two together, and that just ain’t right! Best Sisters got to stick together!
Anyway, these are the thoughts of Owl at 1 AM, so goodnight and stuff. Or good morning, depending on which part of this oversized rock you’re standing on.
<del>Then Rarity made Sweetie push her on the swings. It did not go well.</del>
EDIT: Fixed some poke-throughs, added a couple little details, and changed the playground so it wasn’t made of pain. I mean concrete.