Artist’s Note:
Blame. More specifically, blame this conversation: comments.deviantart.com/1/6077…
Silver, I only torment you because I care. Although given the company you usually keep, you probably hear that a lot.
Silver climbed up the wide marble stairs leading to the doorway. They looked strange against the otherwise fairly plain structure. Besides the stairs, the hedge, and of course the size, there was nothing about the house that particularly stood out from the rest of the neighborhood. It looked as normal as anywhere in Ponyville.
Of course, that was all an illusion. The Rich’s had put all their effort into their home’s exterior. Even at a young age, Silver Spoon had noticed the differences between her friend’s home, and her own Silver Manor. Her home was old, worn with history and preserved by dozens of generations of lords and ladies that had spent a great deal of their fortunes to keep their home fit for their children. There was an air of reserved slendor to it – something her family had always been keen to cultivate.
Diamond Tiara’s home was different, however. Rather than stately brick, stone, and wood, the mansion was covered in bright, ornate wallpapers and over-polished marble. Styles clashed without rhyme or reason; A room made in imitation rococo had been decorated with modern furniture, the grotesquely elaborate carvings clashing endlessly with the minimalist geometric shapes of the seating.
Such was the difference between what her father caller the “old money and the new money”.
It mattered little to her though. Diamond Tiara was her oldest friend, and perhaps her best. Silver had few friends, her station in life allowing for little contact with her peers, and (though she wouldn’t admit it) her friendship with Diamond making her unpopular with her classmates. But again, these things didn’t bother her. Stretching her arm out, she reached for the doorbell, finally hitting the button with an outstetched finger. After a few minutes, Randolph, Diamond’s personal butler, answered the door. He was an old stallion, thin and lanky, with his curly grey hair balding one tuft at a time. It was hard to say what wrinkles came from age, and which came from his duties.
With a quick ‘thank you’, Silver hurried up the staircase, heading for her friend’s room. She smiled to herself, Diamond usually having something fun planned (and usually at her expense). She began thinking of all the things they might do today as she knocked on the door, be it lounging around the pool, continuing the adventures of Barbara and Sven (and their mishaps at The Rich Monkey Store), or having a day out at the mall thanks courtesy of Diamond’s exorbitant allowance.
Her thoughts came to a halt as Diamond opened her door, giving Silver her “friendly” grin. Friendly anything was a bad sign with Diamond, and as she stepped in, she was reminded why. A large space had been cleared by the right wall, and on a small table sat several cameras, ranging from a small digital one to what looked like movie-grade equipment. Next to it was a coat rack, with two large mismatched towels draped over it. Silver gulped as she took it all in.
Diamond placed an arm on her shoulder, leading her deeper inside.
“We need to talk. Now.”
“About what, Di?” Silver tried to sound as casual as possible.
“I’ve seen you with that blank-flank, Spoony, don’t pretend I haven’t! And you know… I’m kind of jealous. I mean, we ARE friends, right Spoony? You’re not gonna ditch me for that loser, huh?”
“Wha- psh, no! I mean, come ON, Di, you’re way better than them!” Tiara looked unsure, however.
“Hmmm… I don’t know. You say that, but do you mean that?”
“Well yeah! Of course I-”
“Can you show it though? Spoony, friends trust each other, right?”
“Well, yeah. Duh.”
“So… I’m going to need you to trust me with a little something.”
Silver gulped again. “And… what’s that, Di?”
Diamond just grinned.
“Okay, seriously, how many shots do need?”
Silver was getting annoyed. For the past fifteen minutes, Diamond had been grabbing various cameras from her collection and taking picture after picture of the grey filly. It wouldn’t be so bad, had Diamond not insisted on her conditions. Of all the days to wear these…
“Hey hey hey, don’t interrupt! I need to get the perfect shot here!”
“We’ve been doing this forEVER!”
“Perfection takes practice. Now stop glaring like that. If I have to sell this to that camera kid, I want it to be good.”
Silver just looked away and crossed her arms. The things she did for her friends…
“Okay, enough.” Diamond hoisted the camera up, sighing. Silver sighed herself, reaching for her skirt laying on the ground. Before she could grab it however, Diamond continued.
“Let’s try outside. I CAN’T waste this kind of lighting!”
Silver only gulped again.