Blair (Gem)
Parents: Filthy Rich x Rarity
Age: 17
Personality: Selfish, ladylike, brave
Cutiemark meaning: Modeling
Bella (Sparkle)
Parents: Twiglight Sparklex Flash Sentury
Age: 18
Personality: Strict, honest, Serious, brave, a fighter
Cutiemark meaning: Revelution and power. Moons= Luna, Star= Twiglight, Sun= Celestia
Muffin (Pie)
Parents: Pinkie pie x Cheese Sandwich
Age: 17
Pesonality: Punny, Not a good lisener, forgetter, Easliy confused
Cutiemark meaning: Baking
Wiwy / Crown Jewel (Blueblood)
Parents: Prince Bluelood x Fluttershy
Age: 21
Personality: Sweet, manipulative, easliy annoyed, ladylike, flattering
Cutimark meaning: Holder of the kindness element
Blizzer (Boom)
Parents: Rainbow Dash x Sorin
Age: 18
Personality: Nagging, Always looking for a competion, cool, chill, soft on the inside
Cutiemark Meaning: Singing
Elle (Smith)
Parents: Applejack x Trenderhoof
Age 18
Personality: Hipster, nagging, always looking for a competation, Salty
Cutimark meaning: Baking and apple harvesting