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Based on the Chinese comic panels from: Old Master Q, Mr.Chin and Potato Head #70, pg 112
Ever since Maud scared off the stingy street rat to get her sister’s cannon back in one of the most unforgettable PSSSD, word of the Element of Laughter’s <ins>special weapon of messy distractions</ins> began to attract interest to illegal gun runners in Manehattan looking to make quick cash from selling and/or modifying her trademark symbol
However, what they didn’t count on was messing with Pinkie would risk having to taste the humble Pinkie Pie’s filling!!
Storm Dragon by StormDragon98
Inky Hooves by ASadSadEmoChic
<ins>Police Officers:</ins>
Officer Hot Fuzz from the MLP episode “The Gift of the Maud Pie“
Officer Peony by notthemosttalented
Pinkie Pie Design: >>967397
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