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Based on the Chinese comic panels from:
Soooo, what moral of this short story I should go with here? Love and tolerance isn’t for everyone? Keep your graffiti art to your own private space?? Don’t take credit for work you didn’t do??? Never cross with ex-motorcycle gang leaders????
Hmmm….what to say, what to say….
MEH, I got nuthin’ to say!! The whole world is just full of unlucky contingencies and coincidences, I guess!
<ins>Graffiti designs inspired by:</ins>
Rainbow Splatter
Motivational Scootaloo Graffiti by Shinoda
<ins>Redhead girl with the bloody pipe:</ins> My OC Tracy “Tracer” Morrigan, childhood friend of Officer Techy Texas , ex-leader of the all-female <ins>Alkonost motorcycle club</ins> and current informant for the Chicago police department
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