Again it’s me, and my headcanon/fanfic world history. Best to use with my maps.
I felt like creating history of fictional world, so I created one.
I know it’s incomplete and slightly chaotical. It’s not easy, you know?
Anyway, few things:
-I always wondered about how Equestria could be founded long time ago, and at same time Ponyville founded by Apple family. In this date list you can found my thoughts about that. Or why Equestria is still undeveloped on borders (Appleloosa).
-Three tribes reaching Equestria – I took general idea, and… well, made it that fits my map and more “real”.
-Founding dates of cities – few of them fits (or was pushed few years in one way or another) the dates of incorporating it’s counterparts.
When Celestia and Luna took power, and what happened afterwards.
Because it’s for my fanfic, you can find few dates about changelings.
-Anyway, It’s just my headcanon.
SO! If anyone want use this in any way, extend it, feel free to do it :D I will be quite happy with it. Oh, and last thing source it there.
FIX: Error! In description of Cloudsdale should be “pegasi-only city”.