Okay… So what the hell is this piece, right?
Well… I should probably start by explaining the “barely pony related” tag, despite the Pinkamena Diane Pie tag.
Basically, when I made this, it was originaly intended to be for a fic about a humanized Pinkamena… However, I dropped the story for a while, and, when I finally came back to it, it had become a stage-play with absoloutely no relation to magical pastel horses, other than a slightly similar main character.
So Technically the original piece was pony related, but it’s kind of… not now… I guess?
Um… The rest of it is kind of, half metaphors, half things that happen in the story… But as said story is no longer pony related, I guess I shouldn’t discuss it here…
Have fun trying to decipher it!:)